SCAD's Alexander Hall Gallery seeks proposals for MFA Thesis Exhibitions for the academic year 2024-2025. Students on track for their MFA Thesis Exhibition are able to apply to exhibit during the quarters listed below, and are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

Please note this application is ONLY for MFA Painting OR Photography Thesis Exhibitions for Alexander Hall at SCAD Savannah Campus. Only students who will be based in Savannah at the time of their Thesis Exhibition should apply to this call.

Deadline for FALL 2024:  June 16th, 2024 at 11:59PM EST.

Deadline for WINTER 2025:  August 25th, 2024 at 11:59PM EST.

Deadline for SPRING 2025: November 10th, 2024 at 11:59PM EST.

If you submit your application after the deadline, your application will not be considered for that quarter.


Before submitting your application: 

  • You must review your application materials with a professor. This can be an MFA Thesis Advisor, a professor on your thesis committee, the professor of your pre-thesis or thesis course, or a graduate coordinator.

How to prepare your application: 

  • Select and gather up to 5 images or videos of works that best represent your practice OR that you would like to include in your exhibition. Each image should only capture one work. 
  • The image/video file names must follow this format: Last Name, First Name, "Title," date, media, dimensions. (Ex: Smith, John, “Landscape,” 2023, oil on canvas, 20 x 40 in.).
  • Please visit Alexander Hall’s Gallery to understand the space for your exhibition. Refer to the floorplan (LINKED HERE) for wall dimensions, but please be advised these dimensions are approximate.

If your submission is accepted:

  •  You must be available for installation and de-installation of your exhibition. Installations happen the week before the exhibition’s open date, and de-installations happen the week after the exhibition’s closing. You will be expected to install/de-install your works independently. 
  • You must deliver, transport, or arrange the delivery of your works to Alexander Hall. These details will be decided in discussion with SCAD Curators.

PLEASE NOTE: SCAD reserves the right to reject applications that do not follow the guidelines, procedures, and deadlines outlined above. SCAD also reserves the right to prohibit exhibition of works that appear incomplete by the time of installation, or are different from the work(s) originally proposed in the original application.

Submit your best work for Drawing Works 2024-25! Get drawn into the world of diverse mark making with this annual exhibition opportunity. Best in Show winner will receive a $1,000 prize, and $500 prizes are available in other categories. Undergraduate students from all SCAD locations and majors are eligible. Scroll to the bottom apply! 


Submission Deadline:  Sunday, September 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET

Notification of acceptance: September 23, 2024

Exhibition: November 8, 2024 – January 19, 2025, Alexander Hall Gallery 

Reception & Awards: Friday, January 17, 2025, 4 - 6 p.m., Alexander Hall Gallery

Email Foundations Studies professor Jason Zimmer at for more information. 



Award Categories 

·  Best In Show: $1000

 Awarded to outstanding and inventive contemporary aesthetic, conceptual qualities, composition and media techniques, fully expresses the unique attributes of drawing. 

·  Process Award: $500

Demonstrates exploration into concept and composition using preparatory sketch methods to inform and support research and development processes. ($500.00 prize) 

·  Explorative Play Award: $500

Experiments creatively with traditional and/or nontraditional drawing media, expressive mark making, and gestural approaches. ($500.00 prize) 

·  Composition Award: $500

Displays exemplary drawing abilities in the production of a fully realized finished work. 



Submission Requirements 

· Must be a current undergraduate student enrolled in any major/minor at any SCAD location. 

· Works must be created anytime during enrollment at SCAD. 

·  Submit 1 - 3 images by 11:59pm ET, Sunday, September 15th, 2024. More than 3 will not be considered. 

·  Jury is seeking drawings and sketches, using any combination of analog, digital and/ or unconventional drawing methods. Diverse drawing practices are encouraged, showing traditional and unconventional use of media, experimentation, aesthetic expressions, styles and formats, including but not limited to sketchbooks, drawings intended for digital display, illustrations, fine art drawings, storyboards, prints, conceptual and process sketches and technical working drawings and 3D drawings. 


How to enter: 

1.  Upload quality digital images through Submittable. Include the following information: full name, SCAD email address, phone number, SCAD location, and major/minor.

2.  Upload 1 – 3 works for consideration with the following information: Title of work, Medium, Dimensions (2D works: H x W or 3D works H x W x D), Artist Price, Is this work intended for digital display? If yes, explain. 

3.  Complete the survey questions: Are you a drawing minor? Do you want someone to contact you about becoming a drawing minor? How did you hear about this opportunity?



**If your work is accepted for exhibition, you must abide by the following requirements and timeline: 

· Students are responsible for framing of accepted work. All accepted physical drawings or digital prints must be professionally framed and ready to hang prior to drop off/delivery to Exhibition Storage. SCAD Frame shop offers a discount to works accepted in Drawing Works 2024, contact Casey Blandford at to use SCAD Frame Shop, 102 E. Lathrop Ave., Savannah, GA 31415.

·  Deliver ready-to-hang framed works to SCAD Exhibition Storage, Attn: Michael Runnels, Registrar, 102 E. Lathrop Ave., Savannah, GA 31415 between Monday, October 14 through Friday, October 18. Email Michael Runnels at to schedule drop off/delivery. 

·  Accepted works from Lacoste or SCAD Now have the option to display digitally. Students at SCAD Atlanta may drop off works for transportation to Savannah.  Accepted works from anywhere else must be shipped or dropped off to SCAD Exhibition Storage in Savannah.  Email professor Jason Zimmer to schedule drop off/delivery to SCAD Atlanta campus.

·  Digital prints must be high quality and color corrected from RGB to CMYK. 

·  Digital works will be displayed on an LCD screen and must be formatted for optimal viewing. Email accepted digital works to Brittany Richmond by Friday, October 18.   

·  If actual work differs from submitted images, it may be rejected from exhibition. 

·  When the exhibition ends, email Michael Runnels at to schedule return or pick up of work from 102 E. Lathrop Ave., Savannah, GA, January 22 – 24 2025. SCAD Exhibitions is not responsible for storage of work if not picked up by end of Winter Quarter (March 13 2025).

Savannah College of Art & Design